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From the Desk of Trenton Horn: Superintendent of Schools April News

Posted Date: 05/03/2024

Greetings Stanton County! The school year is flying by and spring activities are well underway.
Stanton County track, softball and baseball teams have been competing well and the FFA
Chapter recently traveled to Manhattan to compete in their state Career Development Events in
agriculture. The Art club has participated in several shows and the students have produced
some great projects.
I want to bring to your attention a topic the school board has been discussing at recent
meetings. Annually, members of the school board often hear members of the community
indicate they believe we need another gymnasium in Stanton County. There are also other
additions to the school's facilities that have been mentioned as needs for the school as well as
the community. I have been conducting research to gather information for the board as to the
cost of a gymnasium. Additionally, the board has discussed ways to pay for a new gymnasium.
Unfortunately, a new gymnasium cannot be paid for out of the current capital outlay account. It
simply cost too much for the district to pay for on its own. The board has worked hard to
recuperate its capital outlay fund after spending it down during the renovation of the elementary
school. Their plan is to start updating the JR/SR high school which is now 45 years old. The
updates to the JR/ SR high school are already underway. Electrical updates and new security
doors are being installed this summer.
During the April board meeting the board decided to have a survey developed designed to
gather input from the residents of Stanton County. The survey will help the board determine the
level of support there is for a bond issue to pay for a new gymnasium as well as other additions
that would be beneficial to our students and the residents of Stanton County. The survey is the
first step in the process of starting a bond issue. The board wants to gain feedback from you
before they consider taking further action. Please be on the lookout for a survey in the coming
weeks that arrives in the mail or is posted on the schools social media sites as well as the
website. I encourage you to complete the survey, so the board truly knows the desire of the
entire district as they continue to discuss this important topic.